What are the healthcare leader’s day-to-day responsibilities within the organization?

NUR 400 Leadership Interview Reflection and Executive Summary Guidelines and Rubric


Overview: In this experience, you will identify a healthcare leader at your place of employment or in your area. Ideally, this healthcare leader will be involved in making unit- or organizational-level decisions, such as the addition of evidence-based initiatives and/or analyzing data to determine compliance or quality- improvement concerns. You will interact with the healthcare leader for approximately 45 minutes. During this period, you will interview the healthcare leader to determine the following:


What are the healthcare leader’s day-to-day responsibilities within the organization?
What education and practice experiences have prepared the leader for their current role?
What type of organizational structure is present within the organization? For example, is it a hierarchical structure or a decentralized, shared governance structure?
What types of communication patterns or issues are present and affected by the current organizational structure?
How does the leader address conflict related to divergent opinions? Discuss differences in professional background and experience, race and ethnicity, and culture.
What type of leadership style does the healthcare leader have, and is that style impacted by the current organizational structure and function?
Develop two additional questions related to the healthcare leader’s role and experiences within the organization. Consider question topics from the course such as improvements in the performance evaluation process, code of ethics training, implementation of shared governance, reduction of risk, development of tracer methodology, or any quality-improvement idea.


At the end of the interview, ensure that the healthcare leader has signed the attestation. Please note: You should not be providing any direct care.


After your interview, search the literature for evidence-based recommendations or interventions to address any concerns with the organizational structure and/or communication patterns noted by the healthcare leader. Alternatively, search the literature to identify best practices associated with healthcare leadership, communication, or organizational structure and function that may be pertinent to the healthcare leader’s role.


Develop an executive summary describing the current organizational structure and communication patterns. In addition, include your evidence-based recommendations for improvement. For example, your executive summary could include a recommendation based on topics you have learned in the course, such as improvements in the performance evaluation process, code of ethics training, implementation of shared governance, reduction of risk, development of tracer methodology, or any quality improvement idea.


You will also submit a 2 to 3 paragraph reflection on everything that you have learned from this leadership interview experience. Include your personal thoughts on preparing for the interview, the interview itself, and interview responses. Consider whether your perceptions of the leader’s role or the organization changed based on the interview and any unexpected findings in the interview process.



To summarize, follow this step-by-step guide for this assignment:


Conduct the interview and have the attestation form signed.
Complete your research.
Write the executive summary.
Submit the deliverables.


Consider adding your completed executive summary, reflection, and attestation form to your ePortfolio.


Three Deliverables:

Completed attestation
Executive summary
Reflection summarizing interview experience (submitted with the executive summary)




Guidelines for Submission: You should submit two documents: the signed attestation and the executive summary, which includes the interview reflection. The executive summary should be 2 pages, single-spaced with citations (even though they are typically not included in an executive summary). Your reflection should be an additional 1 page (minimum). APA format is to be used for the references and in-text citations.


Critical Elements


Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)


Needs Improvement (55%)


Not Evident (0%)




Signed Interview Attestation


Signed interview attestation form was submitted






Signed clinical interview attestation form was not submitted




Executive Summary Interview


Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into the interview process


Clearly summarizes the information determined during the interview process, including the organizational structure and communication patterns as described by the healthcare leader


Summarizes information obtained during the interview process, but the summary lacks detail or organization


Does not complete executive summary interview




Executive Summary Recommendations


Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers recommendations or best practices that are insightful


Clearly articulates evidence- based recommendations or best practices based on interview findings


Articulates evidence-based recommendations and/or best practices, but lacks clarity


Does not submit executive summary recommendations





Critical Elements


Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)


Needs Improvement (55%)


Not Evident (0%)






Meets “Proficient” criteria, and reflection is insightful and offers concrete examples


Reflects on interview experience and the learning that occurred during that experience


Briefly reflects on learning from interview


Does not submit reflection




Articulation of Response. https://aptitudenursingpapers.org/

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