Identify and discuss how emotional and mental health in children might look

Children are foundational to health of communities made up of family units. Understanding the context within which children are living, playing, growing, and developing is necessary as culture influences the definition of health. However, it is easy to focus on the physical needs of children while neglecting the emotional and spiritual needs of children. Provide one example from the Bible of how children were served spiritually or emotionally. Discuss how this example might inform your approach in helping culturally diverse families holistically support their children. Identify and discuss how emotional and mental health in children might look different based on different cultural definitions of health.QThe textbook states, that often orphanages “ignore the power and presence of local communities and extended families in caring for orphans. Not only that, but many times exacerbate the challenges faced by orphans because they contribute to the cycle of ‘attachment and abandonment,’ owning to the short-term nature of these volunteer efforts” (p. 191). Evaluate this statement given what you know about the well-being of children. In what situations would orphanages or institutions for children be appropriate options and at what ages? How would a country’s Department or Ministry of Health apply a Health in All Policies approach to address the economic and social issues presented in this statement? Purchase this Tutorial.

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