Discuss what kind of workforce will be needed in the future to care for the elderly.

HLT418 Trends & Issues in Health Care Week 3 Discussion DQ1 You want to return to school to advance in your profession. Financially you cannot do it at this time. Respond to the following: Would you consider working for the National Service Corps for financial compensation in another area, another community, or in a designated poverty area? Why or why not? If you accepted a position in another area that was unfamiliar to you, how would you prepare in advance to make the most out of the opportunity? Include the social and cultural aspects of the differences. Would you consider working in one of these areas permanently? DQ2 As the population ages, the need for more health care professionals grows. Discuss what kind of workforce will be needed in the future to care for the elderly. What specialty will be in demand for the future? Where will the majority of care be delivered? Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.org/

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