Discuss the details of his/her practicum site and tentative schedule (WO1.4) (CO 5, 6)

NR511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Week 1 Discussion Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate a dialogue about the student’s practicum rotation with the class. Information gleaned from the dialogue will then be used by the instructor to assign a Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the week 7 assignment. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Discuss the details of his/her practicum site and tentative schedule (WO1.4) (CO 5, 6)Identify his/her feelings about starting the first clinical rotation (WO1.4) (CO 5, 6)Identify potential barriers to successful completion of the clinical requirements (WO1.4) (CO 5, 6) Due Date: The student must submit the initial post to the Week 1 Discussion Board by Wednesday before 11:59pm MT.  A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline on Wednesday, regardless of the number of days late. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59pm MT on Sunday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0). Week 8 discussion closes on Saturday at 11:59pm MT. Total Points Possible:  10Requirements:Provide the following information (if more than one list them each separately):Name of site Location (city, state) of the practicum location Type of practice (i.e., IM, Peds, FP)Are there any age restrictions for patients at this office? (i.e., this office does not see children under the age of 12, etc.)What is your tentative clinical schedule at the practicum? Does your preceptor(s) have any other students at the same time? Discuss your feelings about starting your first practicum rotation (good or bad) and identify at least 3 possible factors which might be barriers to your success in completion of the clinical requirements.   Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.org/

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