Did the nurses on the unit know where to find the written policy/procedure?

BSN405 Reflective Practice, Issues, and Trends Module 3 Discussion DQ1 View the video “What Happened to Josie”? Referencing the National Patient Safety Goals, how would you prevent a similar scenario from occurring in your workplace? How might you document a family member’s concerns related to patient safety?DQ2 What National Patient Safety Goals or steps to develop a culture of patient safety and improved quality have been implemented in your workplace? Who has led these patient safety initiatives? Who collects the data and what have the results shown?DQ3 Choose a nursing policy/procedure that is commonly performed on your nursing unit (central line dressing change, hand washing, obtaining a lab specimen, pain management, would care, etc.)  Locate the procedure and discuss the following: How difficult was it to find the procedure? Did the nurses on the unit know where to find the written policy/procedure? Is the procedure based on current evidence? Does the policy or procedure support a culture of patient safety and improved quality? Why or Why not?  Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.org/

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