Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this particular medication.

NURS570 Advanced Pharmacology Week 2 Assignment Medication Paper Topic Proposal/Approval Click the Medication Paper Topic Proposal/Approval link here or in the course menu to submit your medication choice to your instructor. Please choose a medication that has recently been approved for use (within the last two years) and is widely prescribed within the United States. Your topic proposal should be 2–3 paragraphs and should include the following items and address the following. The topic you wish to pursue (1 paragraph)Describe the medication you wish to explore. Identify your purpose: Why are you interested in this particular medication? (1–2 paragraphs) Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this particular medication. Clearly describe the relevance of this medication in the field today. Your instructor will leave a comment either approving your choice or discuss another choice with you. Please look back for a response before starting your outline that is due week 4. All topics will be approved by week 3. Purchase this Tutorial . https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/

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